* LiteBIRD kick-off symposium (July 1-2, 2019 at ISAS) [#r6619f53]

For the LiteBIRD face-to-face meeting on July 3-5, please visit [[another page>https://wiki.kek.jp/display/cmb/Global+f2f+meeting+at+ISAS%2C+Sagamihara%2C+Japan%2C+2019-07-03...05]].

** Description [#q4b0ad02]
Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in the last two decades
have revealed astonishing facts of our Universe. We now have precise knowledge on the recent accelerating expansion of our Universe, dark energy and dark matter. In this remarkable development, two satellites for CMB observations, WMAP and Planck, have played the central role.

It is a world-wide consensus that the new frontier of CMB research is the observation of polarization. In particular, it is the most important task in the modern cosmology to test the cosmic inflation hypothesis from measurements of the curl pattern of CMB polarization, which is known as the B-mode.The observation of the B-mode is also expected to open up a new research area of testing quantum gravity theories behind cosmic inflation, including super string theory.

To meet the scientific objectives mentioned above, LiteBIRD is proposed as a strategic L-class satellite of JAXA. As the successor of Planck, and as an international project, its mission is to carry out whole-sky surveys of CMB polarization with unprecedented precision and accuracy.

The main goal of this symposium is to introduce the design concept of LiteBIRD , its expected scientific outputs, the domestic/international collaborations of LiteBIRD, and discuss outcomes of the project. To this end, we also review and discuss science of CMB polarization, current status and future prospects of observations, and how lessons-learned from Planck will be incorporated into the LiteBIRD project.

** Dates and place [#u182eda4]
| ''Date'' | 2019 July 1 & 2 |
| ''Place'' | [[ISAS Sagamihara campus>https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92252-0222+%E7%A5%9E%E5%A5%88%E5%B7%9D%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%B8%E6%A8%A1%E5%8E%9F%E5%B8%82%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA%E7%94%B1%E9%87%8E%E5%8F%B0%EF%BC%93%E4%B8%81%E7%9B%AE%EF%BC%91%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91/@35.558315,139.3912934,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6018fdb983e559a5:0x2ef2ff41c841593f!8m2!3d35.558315!4d139.3934821]]  main building 2F room 1236|

** Format [#i7eaddfb]
The oral presentations are invited only. The poster presentations are limited to 30 slots. Most of them are invited, but there are some slots available for contributed posters.

** Time table [#c8cfaec3]
| ''Time'' | ''Speaker''| ''Title'' |h
|>|>| ''Day 1'' |
|>|>| ''Session 1'' : CMB science and LiteBIRD Overview (Chair: ) |
| 13:00-13:10 | Hitoshi Kuninaka (ISAS director) | Welcome |
| 13:10-13:40 | Hitoshi Murayama (Kavli/IPMU) | |
| 13:40-14:10 | Katsuhiko Sato | |
| 14:10-14:40 | Masashi Hazumi (KEK) | |
| 14:40-15:10 | Erminia Calabrese | |
| 15:10-15:30 |>| Coffee break |
|>|>| ''Session 2'' : Invited talks on CMB projects in the world (Chair: ) |
| 15:30-16:00 | Lyman Page | |
| 16:00-16:30 | John Carlstrom | |
| 16:30-17:00 | Masaya Hasegawa | PB1 and PB2 |
| 18:00-20:00 |>| Banquet @ ISAS cafeteria |
|>|>| ''Day 2'' |
|>|>| ''Session 3'' : Planck Lessons Learned (Chair: Jean-Loup Puget) |
| 09:30-10:00 | Jean-Loup Puget | |
| 10:00-10:30 | Marco Bersanelli | |
| 10:30-11:00 | Jan Tauber | |
| 11:00-11:30 | | |
| 11:30-13:00 |>| Poster and lunch |
|>|>| ''Session 4'' : LiteBIRD Session (Chair: ) |
| 13:00-13:20 |  | Contributions by JAXA |
| 13:20-13:40 |  | Contributions by Kavli IPMU |
| 13:40-14:00 |  | Contributions by IPNS/KEK |
| 14:00-14:20 | Adrian Lee | Contributions by US |
| 14:20-14:40 | Ludovic Montier | Contributions by European Consortium |
| 14:40-15:00 | Matt Dobbs | Contributions by Canada |
| 15:00-15:30 |>| Coffee break |
|>|>| ''Session 5'' :  (Chair: ) |
| 15:30-16:50 |  | More LiteBIRD Talks + Panel Discussion |
| 16:50-17:00 |  | Concluding Remarks |

** Registration [#y7e3f1d7]
- Please fill in [[this form>https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScspOMRuelMjcURF0GKxmi9hTH3zDcRC5J_F0wUDwJg2X6Kkw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link]], including those who are invited.
- Due on June 20 23:59 JST.
- Those who are attending locally need to register. Those who are attending remotely need not register.

** Logistics [#bf7bb073]
- VISA request ... If needed, contact LOC immediately.
- [[Access to venue>http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/access/]]
- Payment ... All payment should be made with cash at the registration desk. The payment cannot be cancelled once paid. Receipts will be issued at the registration desk.
-- Registration ... 0 yen
-- Banquet .... 6,000 yen for non-students & 4,000 yen for students. The prices are tentative.
- Hotels ... Below are our suggestions.
|''Hotel Name''|''Description''|''Link for Booking''|h
|Toyoko Inn Yokohama-sen Fuchinobe-eki Minami-guchi|15min walk to ISAS, 3min walk to Fuchinobe Station|[[Toyoko Inn>https://www.toyoko-inn.com/eng/search/detail/00213]]|
|Hotel Livemax Sagamihara| 20min walk to ISAS; 2-min walk to Fuchinobe Station; Looks old/narrow|[[Japanican.com>https://www.japanican.com/en/hotel/detail/4292091]]|
|APA Hotel Sagamihara Kobuchi-Ekimae|Near Kobuchi Station, next Fuchinobe|[[Apahotel>https://www.apahotel.com/hotel/shutoken/sagamihara_kobuchi-ekimae/]]|
|Best Western Rembrandt Hotel Tokyo Machida|Near JR Machida Sta., two stations from Fuchinobe|[[Best Western Rembrandt Hotel>https://tokyo-machida.bwhotels.jp]]|
|APA Hotel Machida-Eki Higashi|Near JR Machida Sta., two stations from Fuchinobe|[[Apa Hotel>https://www.apahotel.com/hotel/shutoken/machida-ekihigashi/]]|
|Hotel Resol Machida|Near JR Machida Sta., two stations from Fuchinobe|[[Resol Machida>https://www.resol-machida.com/en/]]|
|Toyoko Inn Tokyo Machida-eki Odakyu-sen Higashi-guchi|7-min walk to JR Machida Sta., two stations from Fuchinobe|[[Toyoko Inn>https://www.toyoko-inn.com/eng/search/detail/00216]]|
|Toyoko Inn JR Yokohama-sen Sagamihara Ekimae|Near Sagamihara Sta., two stations from Fuchinobe|[[Toyoko Inn>https://www.toyoko-inn.com/eng/search/detail/00163]]|
|Toyoko Inn Keio-sen Hashimoto-eki Kita-guchi|Near Hashimoto Sta., three stations from Fuchinobe|[[Toyoko Inn>https://www.toyoko-inn.com/eng/search/detail/00230]]|

** Instruction for presentation [#bb6a1a6d]
*** Oral [#ya230e3e]
*** Poster [#l9fed259]
- Poster size is A0.
- The layout is given here &ref(poster_layout.pdf);

** [[Pictures>./Pictures]] [#t9a7ccf2]

** SOC and LOC [#t3287e84]
- SOC : T. Yamada, M. Hazumi, A. Lee, M. Dobbs, L. Montier, J. Puget 
- LOC : Y. Sekimoto, T. Dotani, M. Tsujimoto, T. Hasebe (JAXA/ISAS)

If you have any request or questions, please contact <cmbws19_loc at ml.ac.jaxa.jp>.

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